Golden Essential Remedies Wart Away 25g Pillules
Wart Away
Strengthens the immune system and works directly on the wart virus to weaken and eliminate warts.
Indications: Warts. Plantar Warts, Molluscum Contagiosum.
Virex is an excellent complimentary remedy that can be given with Wart Away to get rid of old or stubborn warts, or where multiple warts occur in various places (e.g. Hands, elbows and knees).
Contents: Antimonium crudum SCH. Calcarea carbonica lSCH. Causticum SCH, Graphites 7CH. Notrum sulphuricum ISCH, Niticum acidum 9CH. Sabina SCH. Staphysagria SCH. Thuja lSCH. Vaccinotoxinum lSCH
Directions for use: Dissolve 5 pills in a clean mouth 3 times daily, 30 minutes before meals. Should be used continuously for at least six weeks or until warts disappear. Do not handle pills with your hands. decant into lid and straight into mouth.
Safe for all ages & pregnant women.